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Gameplay Programming and Level Design

An evil ogre stole all candy from the Reaper. Follow the candy trail, defeat enemies and avoid obstacles on the way to the ogre. 

Group size: 3 group members


Choose between playing Connect4 or Chess against an AI that is based on the Minimax-algorithm. 

Group size: 7 group members

Gameplay Programming/UI

Citrine is an adventure game that takes place in a fantasy world, specifically the forest Glistening Woods.

Citrine takes on the responsibility of saving her home from an evil plague that is killing the forest and mutating the creatures in it. Will Citrine succeed or will the plague take over the world?

Group size: 6 group members

Duration: 10 weeks

Gameplay Programming

“Beneath” takes you on an immersive Shoot ‘em up experience, not up to space, but down, into the deep sea!

Survival is key as you need to escape the cave of the evil octopus Hobotnica and her children. Her goal is to engulf the world in water and drown every living being. She will start with anyone who dares disturb her lair. She will start with you! How long will you survive in the deep?

Group size: 3 group members

Duration: Half speed for 10 weeks

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